Cheat : PRESS TAB once, then type in one of the following codes:
allammo - All ammunition. behindview 1 - External view. behindview 0 - Normal view. flush - Reset bad textures on walls or creatures. fly - Fly mode. ghost - No clipping mode. god - God mode. hideactors - Hide all monsters, weapons, and items. showactors - Show all monsters, weapons, and items. invisible0 - Disable invisibility. invisible1 - Invisibility. killall (monster name) - Kill selected monsters. killpawns - Kill all monsters. open (map name) - Level select. playersonly - Disable timer. slomo (number) - Set game speed (1 is normal). Summon (item) - Summon weapon, item, or monster. suicide - Suicide. Walk - Walk mode; resets no clipping and flight modes.
After calling up the game console with the tilde key (~), type:
summon klingons.
where can be:
Daktagh - (weapon 1). Disruptorpistol - (weapon 2). Disruptorrifle - (weapon 3). Assaultdisruptor - (weapon 4). Spinclaw - (weapon 5). Grenadelauncher - (weapon 6). Rocketlauncher - (weapon 7). Sithhar - (weapon 8). Particlecannon - (weapon 9). Batleth - (weapon 10). Cipherkey Genetickey Palmkey Passcardkey Retinalkey Combatarmor Combatgoggles Communicator Gagh Tricorder Vacsuit